How can Agile and DevOps work together?

Throughout my work experience, I've discovered that tech giants have benefited greatly from the combination of Agile and DevOps in the software development process. The contemporary SDLC includes two major verticals: Agile and DevOps. On the one hand, DevOps focuses on accelerating processes so that software can be released as quickly as feasible. The agile technique, on the other hand, focuses on rapid software development. It does not take into account the SDLC's operational features. Together, they provide a comprehensive package that provides the highest level of quality and service. However, the challenge of how to seamlessly blend the two techniques remains. Let's look at some of the options for accomplishing this.


Automation is critical when combining Agile and DevOps. To highlight potential security flaws, all code scanning operations should be automated. Because automation is an end-to-end process, the only manual check required is for any errors at the automation's endpoint. The entire automated process is completed much faster than manual alternatives. The entire development process is sped up as a result.

Sprint adoption of DevOps

The development process is frequently broken into sprints when working in an agile environment. As a result, integrating devops with sprints is a strategic step. When combining DevOps with sprints, take these steps:

  • Participate in planning sessions with devops teams.
  • Discuss the product's functionality and features.
  • Incorporate devops teams into the sprint backlog, daily meetings, and sprint reviews.

Analysis and measurement

After Agile DevOps has been integrated, project management must track its progress. To ensure that it is effective, the user must complete specified procedures. It also allows for the rapid deployment of a large number of releases. The following actions can be taken to keep track of progress.

  • Percentage of releases arriving on time.
  • Examining the increased number of releases.
  • Time from production to software platform release, or the amount of support necessary during the process

Right tools

Businesses should employ the appropriate technologies to successfully deploy Agile and DevOps in the development process. You may configure your software development process with the right tools. The IaaC will then be created and replicated with its help (Infrastructure as a Code). It will be easy for developers to connect apps across platforms without having to rewrite code or invest additional resources.

Defining the software cycle

The use of an Agile framework and DevOps will make it easier to describe the product lifecycle. The combination of Agile and DevOps will improve consistency by decreasing cost and waste. It accelerates the development process and prepares it for the market. Therefore, it is ideal to incorporate DevOps principles from the beginning of the development process. Doing so will enable your teams to inherit more operational responsibilities.

Wrapping up

Both the technologies working parallel to each other can remove the barriers between the development and operations of an organization. As Devops is based on cross-functional teams, including devops teams in Agile breaks organizational silos. All this leads to effective communication and collaboration for rapid prototyping, development, and deployment of software.